Bollywood actress Neetu Singh's mother passes away. She was 71. For quite sometime, Neetu's mother Rajee Singh was not keeping in good health and she was staying with Neetu and Rishi Kapoor at their bungalow, Krishna Raj. Rajee Singh died of cardiac arrest on 25th August early morning.
She was cremated last evening. Deepika Padukone has spent the whole day with the Kapoor family and told that she's always ready to lend a helping hand with kapoor family going through a big family loss. Deepika was about to leave for Italy but cancelled her program on hearing the sad news.
Rajee Singh was a strong lady and she was behind Neetu's promising filmy career. It was only after Neetu's marriage to Rishi Kapoor that Rajee became little free from her responsibility. Her bungalow in Pali hill was close to Neetu and Rishi Kapoor's but due to poor health, she stayed with her daughter and son-in-law.
Ranbir and sister Riddhima were very close to their grandmother.
She was cremated last evening. Deepika Padukone has spent the whole day with the Kapoor family and told that she's always ready to lend a helping hand with kapoor family going through a big family loss. Deepika was about to leave for Italy but cancelled her program on hearing the sad news.
Rajee Singh was a strong lady and she was behind Neetu's promising filmy career. It was only after Neetu's marriage to Rishi Kapoor that Rajee became little free from her responsibility. Her bungalow in Pali hill was close to Neetu and Rishi Kapoor's but due to poor health, she stayed with her daughter and son-in-law.
Ranbir and sister Riddhima were very close to their grandmother.
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