Salman Khan's beloved pet died early yesterday morning, six months after her companion, MySon. Salman Khan's beloved pet MyJaan died yesterday at an animal hospital in Parel. MyJaan had been suffering for the last couple of months. In June, she had been admitted to the same hospital. When she was admitted then, she was seriously sick and was given a separate room. At that time, when Salman had driven down MyJaan in the night, she was in a very critical. She subsequently recovered.
Says a source, "MyJaan had been ill for some time. Also, she had been missing MySon, another dog of Salman, ever since he passed away earlier this year. On Tuesday evening, Salman attended the music release of Boney Kapoor's Wanted and then rushed to shoot for Vipul Shah's London Dreams.
It was early yesterday morning that he was told of MyJaan's death. Salman rushed home, went to his Panvel farm to bury MyJaan and came back later that morning. Last evening, he was shooting for 10 Ka Dum but he was in a very low mood and couldn't concentrate. His normal cheerful demeanour was missing. Salman doted on his two dogs and never considered them as animals but like his family. Now with MyJaan's death he's devastated."
Says a source, "MyJaan had been ill for some time. Also, she had been missing MySon, another dog of Salman, ever since he passed away earlier this year. On Tuesday evening, Salman attended the music release of Boney Kapoor's Wanted and then rushed to shoot for Vipul Shah's London Dreams.
It was early yesterday morning that he was told of MyJaan's death. Salman rushed home, went to his Panvel farm to bury MyJaan and came back later that morning. Last evening, he was shooting for 10 Ka Dum but he was in a very low mood and couldn't concentrate. His normal cheerful demeanour was missing. Salman doted on his two dogs and never considered them as animals but like his family. Now with MyJaan's death he's devastated."
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