Actor Prasanna celebrated his 27th birthday at the Baana shooting spot at old Washermanpet (Chennai). The young actor cut the cake amidst his co-stars Adharvaa, son of actor Murali, Karunaas, heroine Samantha, director Venkatesh and others.
Karunaas and Adharvaa took a piece of cake from the actor who fondly fed them. Inturn Karunaas also gave a piece of the cake to the birthday boy.
The film Baana has Adharvaa in the lead role and Prasanna and Karunaas play prominent characters in the film, which is all about a kite festival popular in Gujarat.
Karunaas and Adharvaa took a piece of cake from the actor who fondly fed them. Inturn Karunaas also gave a piece of the cake to the birthday boy.
The film Baana has Adharvaa in the lead role and Prasanna and Karunaas play prominent characters in the film, which is all about a kite festival popular in Gujarat.
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