Word is that Konkona Sen Sharma is all set to tie the knot with long-time boyfriend Ranvir Shorey on December 27 this year. Says a source from Kolkata, "Aparna Sen is gearing up for Konkona's marriage. Last year Konkona and Ranvir had exchanged rings in a hush-hush ceremony last year. Konkona was seen sporting the engagement ring on the sets of Luck by Chance at Mehboob Studio but the couple never admitted to exchanging rings."
The couple who met on the sets, have been going around for more than three years and are deeply in love. Now with their careers settled, both are willing to take the leap into matrimony. But the wedding will again, like their private lives, be a hush-hush intimate ceremony with only their close friends and family members being invited. The wedding will be in Kolkata but the couple will have a reception for friends in Mumbai.
Spilling more beans on the wedding, an insider says, "Aparna is thrilled at the turn of events. She has been shopping for her daughter's wedding trousseau at all the big sari shopping arcades in Kolkata. The jewelery will come from one of the most famous jewellers of Kolkata. Director Rituparno Ghosh, whom Konkona calls mama (uncle in Bengali) will dress up the bride and do her chandan design on the face while designer Sabyasachi Mukherji will most probably design the bride's wedding outfit."
The source insists that though the wedding date has been fixed for December 27, the couple don't want people to know about the shaadi details. "Konkona's next film Wake Up Sid with Ranbir Kapoor releases on October 2 and she doesn't want anything to jeopardise that. Married heroines in B-Town have a short shelf life, so all the plans are being made quietly." Konkona plans to resume her film career after her marriage."
Aparna Sen, when asked if her daughter was getting married on December 27 replied, "No she's not." When asked if her darling daughter was taking the vows this year, she said, "Nothing has been decided as yet." Konkona and Ranvir remained unavailable for comment.
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