The police on Thursday filed a 109-page chargesheet against actor Shiney Ahuja, accusing him of raping his domestic help. The Andheri Metropolitan Magistrate Court, while transferring the case to the sessions court, where the trial will be conducted, extended Ahuja’s judicial custody till August 27.
The case of the 36-year-old actor was transferred for lack of jurisdiction. The Andheri Metropolitan Magistrate does not have the jurisdiction to conduct the trial in the case as the offences under which Ahuja has been booked is punishable with more than three years imprisonment.
The chargesheet has listed seven independent witnesses along with 12 police witnesses. One of the prime witnesses is a domestic help whom the victim had approached after the incident.
Shiney was arrested on June 15 and the sessions court had rejected his bail application observing that there was prima facie evidence against him.
The case of the 36-year-old actor was transferred for lack of jurisdiction. The Andheri Metropolitan Magistrate does not have the jurisdiction to conduct the trial in the case as the offences under which Ahuja has been booked is punishable with more than three years imprisonment.
The chargesheet has listed seven independent witnesses along with 12 police witnesses. One of the prime witnesses is a domestic help whom the victim had approached after the incident.
Shiney was arrested on June 15 and the sessions court had rejected his bail application observing that there was prima facie evidence against him.
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